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Tour Desk

Not sure if you want to book an attraction in advance? Purchase attraction tickets on your day of travel on board the ship at our Tour Desk! Receive a free map of Victoria, book popular local attractions for your destination, and ask our experienced team for recommendations. The Tour Desk is located on the left-hand (port) side of the ship just before the forward observation lounge. 

The Tour Desk is currently open daily on the 8:20am and 12:45pm sailings.


Attraction tickets available for purchase at the Tour Desk:

- AdrenaLINE Zipline Adventures

- Afternoon Tea (at The Butchart Gardens or Pendray Tea House)

- Kelp Reef Kayaking Adventures

- Double-Decker Hop-on, Hop-off City Tour

- Malahat SkyWalk

- Off the Eaten Track Food Tours

- The Pedaler Cycling Tours

- Victoria Harbour Ferry Guided Tours

- Prince of Whales Whale Watching and Marine Adventures

- Royal BC Museum

- The Butchart Gardens

- Victoria Butterfly Gardens

- Macaloney's Distillery and TWA Dogs Brewery Tours

- IMAX Victoria

... And more!


Please Note: The Tour Desk is open for the 8:20am and 12:45pm northbound crossings only (Port Angeles to Victoria). If the Tour Desk is closed, please visit the Purser's Office, located across from the Tour Desk, for regional information, recommendations, or a free map of Victoria. You are not able to purchase attraction tickets at the Purser's Office. 

The Tour Desk accepts credit card payments. Credit cards are charged in US funds*.

*Please be advised that your credit card company will convert the US$ purchase at an exchange rate of its choosing and charge you in your local currency accordingly on your credit card statement.

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